
Club Tournament 2025 -finals day 14th Sept




Tournament to run from May until September.

Finals Day Sunday 14th September all day!  Food from lunchtime!  All welcome.  Put in diary!


Entries are limited so book your place asap!!

Entries close Fri 25th April.  16 pairs for mixed, ladies or men’s doubles events / 16 players for each singles.

Plate event for those who lose in the first round, so everyone should play two matches!

Junior event – format depends on number of entries.

Finals Day can involve everyone!


Tournament Cost - £10 per pair for doubles/ £5 for Singles entry.

Until you’ve paid, you’ve not entered so don’t miss out as places are capped!


Format – 2 Tiebreak sets and a championship tiebreak 3rd set.

Book your place with Anna 07817847843/ [email protected]



Each round of each draw has a play-by date.  It is the responsibility of both players/ teams to contact each other to arrange their match.  Please do this asap.  Any issues, please advise referee at least 2 weeks before the deadline.


Matches must be played by the deadlines set.  If you are unable to contact your opponent, please inform the tournament referee  (Anna) at least 2 weeks before the deadline.  Otherwise, who goes through will be determined at random.


If you cannot agree a date with your opponent, please inform the tournament referee at least 2 weeks before the deadline.  Otherwise, who goes through will be determined at random.


If a player is injured before playing the first match, they can be replaced by a new person.  If a player is injured during the tournament, they may have to retire, or allow a team who have lost in a previous round to play instead.  Consult with referee.


If you don’t have contact details for your opposition, please contact referee.


After the match, please update the draw in club house and text me the result so I can update the electronic version as well.  Thank you.


Any issues/ Questions - please let me know.

Good luck and Enjoy!!!

Referee Anna 07817847843

AGM 19th March 7.30pm in the Clubhouse


ADDERBURY BWE CLUB AGM - Fancy a glass of FIZZ!?

Come and see what direction the club is heading in.

It's a great chance to meet up with other members, both squash and tennis as well!

The AGM will take place on Weds 19th March 7.30pm at the clubhouse.

Whilst the present committee is willing to stand for re-election, any further nominations should be sent with a proposer and a seconder to the Club Secretary Sue Jelfs [email protected] no later than Wednesday 12th March 2025.



Xmas Party 30th November 2024

Upcoming Events


In order to qualify for the Christmas new member offer, here are the T's and C's.
- Offer open to new full adult members ( who email the membership secretary with the code Xmas2024 when you have set up the membership)
- Offer open only to new members who join during November and December 2024.
- Offer can be redeemed at the end of the 12 month period. (So nov / Dec 2025)
- Redemption can be taken in either cash or credit to spend at the club.

Upcoming Events